Vision and Mission
We aim "cryptocurrency to be in every portfolio". We envision a society in which wealth building tactics that were previously solely available to affluent people are made open to everyone, restoring people's control over our financial institutions.
FootDex will build a revolutionary football gaming ecosystem to attract more people to digital assets. It will create a safe and secure legal gaming platform that is positioned for global adoption with no limitations, allowing users to earn a handsome income while maintaining their privacy, security, and autonomy. We want to identify the talents working with the current Agent network. We envision promoting our many revolutionary programs like NET, P2E, Rewards, DAO, and Giveaways.
Our mission is to "Life World Football to New Heights" by offering investors an innovative, user-friendly, one-stop shop to find everything they need and providing every person in the world an equal chance to manage and improve their financial security by participating in the football gaming ecosystem. We will be a football ahead NET community Agents for new football players. Our goal is to combine gaming with cryptocurrency by creating a user controlled ecosystem that allows users to transact both ways using our token, allowing gamers, and content producers to make money while immersed in a unique world. Our Mission is to identify potential Talent working with current Agent Networks.
Link in with International Agencies - Access to scout for talent.
Launching our online training course for only agent SFA certified. GAMING - Operate as a community-focused and community-driven digital asset, fully decentralized in every sense STAKING â of the word.
We are going to be on blockchain P2E network, we will launch our token, named as Football Decentralized token.
Despite the fact that the project has an initial plan that will be implemented over the next six months, it will take several months, if not years, to finish the total scope of the project. In order to place the community at the center of this new football and metaverse ecosystem, we created the $FBD token, and holders will be able to vote on critical FootDex choices.
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